
Belga.share is now available in

Reach your audience every time

Getting started with visuals

Make use of our extensive range of photo and video reports, as well as infographics, to enhance your news coverage.
Trusted partner of over 1000 organizations in the Benelux
Sales of images
Would you like to purchase photos individually, by subscription or a combination of both. Everything is possible. Discover our wide range of editorial images from various (premium) sources.
Sales of videos
Discover our wide collection of current affairs videos, easily available at unit prices.
Image databaseBelga offers high-quality images for your media communications, from photographers who follow current events 24/7. With Belgaimage, you have instant access to around 15,000 new editorial images a day, thanks to collaborations with international partners such as AFP. Belgium's largest photo archive, with more than 23 tonnes of paper photos and millions of digital photos that you can download quickly and easily.
Tailor-made photo and video reportsBelga's professional photographers create customised, high-quality photo and video reports, including product shots and event coverage, that enhance your communications. If you wish, we will send your images directly to national media and journalists in your field, increasing your chances of exposure.
The photos and videos are taken by Belga professionals who always work with the latest digital techniques.
You get full copyright and can use the photos or videos for various applications.
Images are quickly available via ftp server or on DVD
InfographicsOur editors publish new infographics every day, often linked to current events. Thanks to our tooling, you can easily incorporate them into your own house style.
What others are saying
" The Belgaimage database is an exceptional and user-friendly service that has become invaluable for the day-to-day work of our editors and journalists. It consistently exceeds our expectations both in the quality and quantity of its offering. We have also found customer support to be very efficient and friendly, ensuring that we always receive top-notch assistance. "Jonadav Apelblat - Co-Editor in Chief
Relevant tools
Get in touchIf you're interested in any of our services, feel free to contact us without obligation!
Other servicesBelga offers a wide range of services for journalists, spokespersons, organizations, companies, and governments.
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1000 Brussel
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